Wednesday, September 16, 2009

World's Amazing Facts: Christmas Holiday Facts

There's no other holiday like Christmas. Many of us celebrate the holidays without knowing how our traditions got started or what they signify. Christmas is much more fun when you know some facts behind the holiday

Most of these facts are very interesting and reminds us that there is quite a bit of history behind our family customs. Try using the Christmas Holiday Facts to make your own Christmas quiz for holiday parties and add a unique touch with personal favorites.


Christmas Holiday Facts: (World Amazing Facts)
  • The word Christmas is Old English, a contraction of Christ's Mass.
  • The first president to decorate the white house Christmas tree in the United States was Franklin Pierce.
  • Electric lights for trees were first used in 1895.
  • The first Christmas cards were vintage and invented in 1843, the Victorian Era
  • "It's a Wonderful Life" appears on TV more often than any other holiday movie.
  • "Rudolph" was actually created by Montgomery Ward in the late 1930's for a holiday promotion. The rest is history.
  • "The Nutcracker" is the most famous Christmas ballet.
  • "Jingle Bells" was first written for Thanksgiving and then became one of the most popular Christmas songs.
  • If you received all of the gifts in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas", you would receive 364 presents.
  • The poinsettia plant was brought into the United States from Mexico by Joel Poinsett in the early 1800's.
  • Holly berries are poisonous.
  • Contrary to common belief, poinsettia plants are non-toxic.
  • In 1843, "A Christmas Carol" was written by Charles Dickens in just six weeks.
  • The first state to recognize the Christmas holiday officially was Alabama
  • Christmas became a national holiday in America on June, 26, 1870.
  • Coca Cola was the first beverage company to use Santa for a winter promotion.
  • An angel told Mary she was going to have a baby.
  • Clearing up a common misconception, in Greek, X means Christ. That is where the word "X-Mas" comes from. Not because someone took the "Christ" out of Christmas.
  • Traditionally, Christmas trees are taken down after Epiphany.
  • More diamonds are sold around Christmas than any other time of the year.
  • In Mexico, wearing red underwear on New Year's Eve is said to bring new love in the upcoming year.

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