Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Changing Your Subconscious Mind

There are a number of ways you can reprogram your subconscious mind but there are also many things in everyday society that make the process of changing your subconscious mind much more difficult that would ideally be best to avoid or at least attempt to avoid.

One of the fastest ways to change you subconscious mind is to get a grip on your emotions or your emotional state. If you are an overly emotional person this is both good and bad. It is most definitely good in cases where you are a very happy and positive person as your upbeat emotional state keeps sending positive energy out into the universe and the cycle of this continues to bring you more positive energy back into your everyday life. If you are usually quite negative or pessimistic the same negative energy you send out continues to return to you and the cycle continues.

Changing your subconscious mind from negative to positive would be best addressed by taking a look at what makes your emotions lean towards the negative. Let us take a look at the classic example of someone who is always emotionally negative due to a lack of money. Your subconscious mind in most cases believes you have no money and money is very difficult for you to come by. It is the belief in having no money that keeps you in that state of having no money. The process of changing your inner mind in this case would mean changing the negative belief you have about money.

So how do we change your subconscious mind to have a new positive belief about money? Well the process of changing your subconscious mind is quite simple but in reality we all know this process certainly does not appear to be simple since so many people are poor but would like to be rich. Everyone might like to be rich but unfortunately not everyone is prepared to do what is necessary to change the subconscious mind.

One of the first things you need to do in relation to changing your subconscious mind is to take a close look at the chatter or self talk that goes on in the back of your mind all day long. I have read that scientists believe the average person has around 50,000 thoughts per day, now that is a lot. Of course in all these thoughts we are going to be thinking about many, many things in the course of a day from what we are going to eat, where we are going, who we will see, what we will say, we will think about our relationships with others, we will also think about money and think about numerous other things as well.

If you constantly think about a lack of money and your self talk enforces that negative subconscious belief you need to look at what caused you to think negatively about money if you ever plan on changing your subconscious mind. Did your parents or other people tell you that you will never have money? Do you believe that you are not worthy of money or only lucky people have a lot of money. No matter what the reasons are it does not really matter, what does matter is that you understand that the one and only reason why you do not have money is because you believe you do not have money. By changing your subconscious mind and your belief about money within your subconscious mind to that of having money and believing money comes to you easily instead of the opposite, you will have money. The same thing goes for changing your subconscious mind about enjoying a great relationship or feeling healthy or anything else. Once you change the subconscious belief you change your life.

Although affirmations and the repetitions of affirmations works incredibly well with changing your subconscious mind, most people I have personally spoken to about this tell me honestly that usually they do not commit to their affirmations and therefore they get mixed results. With commitment to any endeavor you pursue within your life you will get a more positive result and the same thing goes for changing your subconscious mind.

Visualization is another super effective way to change your subconscious mind and the more you get into the habit of using the visualization technique the clearer you will be able to see the images and the faster you will get results. Creative visualization and positive affirmations work very well together but you need to keep at it, if you quit after a week or so I would not even bother to start in the first place since you will only frustrate your self. Why not try just 3 minutes of creative visualization with a positive affirmation 3 times a day just to get started and commit to this for at least one month. This really helped me in changing my subconscious mind and now I enjoy doing it. I still get a buzz when I begin to notice changes in my life as the visualizations in my subconscious mind start to appear in my reality.

Another way that really helps with changing your subconscious mind is to turn off the tv. Yes I am serious, turn off the TV and especially the news programs. I cannot stress this enough. Every time you watch a news program or look at the newspaper or even listen to the news programs on the radio you are submersing your subconscious mind in a pool of negativity, hatred, despair, war, violence, crime, pain and poverty. You may well be addicted to all the negativity I just mentioned but not even be aware of it. The news media makes a lot of money out of all the negativity in the world and most people feed on this garbage everyday for their entire lives. No wonder so many people live in poverty and there is so much hatred, crime and war in this world. We see it, we believe it and the more we believe it the more it continues.

While you continue to watch the TV and absorb all the negative statistics you end up becoming one yourself. You may not be aware of it but your subconscious mind is feeding on everything it sees and hears from the moment you are born to the moment you die and perhaps after you are dead but I really do not know about that. If you feed it thoughts of worldwide unhappiness and pain you will become a statistic of that world of pain.

The best thing you can do in regards changing your subconscious mind is to feed it positive energy by thinking positive thoughts about literally anything that is positive. Feed it feelings of love not feelings of hate towards your neighbor or someone from your past that hurt your feelings.

Forget about the past, leave it in the past and move on to a brighter future with a fresh bunch of new thoughts and feelings. You can do this if you believe you can and turning off the TV is a step in the right direction.

Changing your subconscious mind has only been a problem for you and the rest of the planet because you have been misguided somewhere along the way. Abundance and a world full of happiness is yours for the taking when you believe it is right there in front of you. In fact once you change your subconscious mind you will begin to see things simply arrive in your life like magic. So stop being a statistic and start to become the magician you really are.

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