Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Honda introduces wearable assisted-walking gadget

Some people might need to stress their knees and legs a lot in their daily work. Such as those working in the auto line or factories will always need to repeat crouching and getting up, that will bring lots of stress to their knees and legs.
Honda introduces wearable assisted-walking gadget
Honda has unveiled a wearable assisted-walking gadget, which is to help those workers working in their factories to reduce some stress on the bottom part of the body. The device is meant for those who need a lift, even for the healthy ones.
The device is like a bicycle seat with two walking robotic legs. To wear it, you put the seat between your legs, put on the shoes and push the on button. Then start walking around, you should feel how it supports your moves, and the stress on your knees should be much reduced when crouch walking etc. But it may take you some times to get used to walking assisted by this gear.

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