At first look, the ATM Bank looks like a toy. You know, the sort of thing best summed up with a remark about training our kids to regard banking as a consumption facilitation service. As it happens, it's pitched as a serious at-home alternative to the real thing!
Wouldn't it be ideal to have a cash machine in your front room? There's nothing worse than having to walk half a mile down the road in grotty weather to pick up your very own money. This nifty mini ATM Machine is the piggy bank of the new millennium. Every time you make a deposit the ATM keeps a running total giving you an account balance you can keep tabs on on a regular basis. Withdrawing money couldn't be easier, just pop the card in the slot, enter your PIN and select the amount you need. The high street in the comfort of your own home and without the 'Sorry- Out of Order' disappointments.
It costs £25 and you don't get a free toaster for opening an account. What's the overdraft policy?
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