Almost every woman out there will groan when you mention a yeast infection because they are such a nuisance. But yeast infections are quite preventable if you know a thing or two about them. First of all, most yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast which thrive in warm places so wearing loose clothing, cotton underwear and carefully drying the vulvar area after bathing will help prevent infections. Some advocate using a blow dryer on warm to briefly blow dry the vulva after bathing to insure adequate drying. Candida also love sugar, so if you’re prone to infections, you may want to cut back on the sweets and baked goods and condiments with corn syrup.
In addition, yeast cannot thrive where there are plenty of good flora or bacteria and you can make sure you’ve got plenty of those with yogurt. Some medical literature supports eating 8 ounces a day of yogurt containing lactobacillus acidophilus, which may reduce yeast infection recurrence rate by threefold. Just make sure the yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus.
During sex, never use petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication and only use water-based lubricants when vaginal dryness is an issue. Remember to wipe from front to back after a bowel movement to prevent the yeast which normally inhabits the intestinal tract (and anus) from being transferred to the vaginal area.
Also, avoid perfumed bath products or powders in the vaginal area, these can cause irritations which can lead to infection. And don’t use douches! Douches wash away the natural protective mucous of the vagina leaving the vagina more susceptible to yeast and other vaginal infections.
At the first sign of yeast infection call your physician for prescribed medication such as Diflucan (fluconazole) or go to your pharmacy to buy one of the FDA approved products that are available OTC. Many women prefer Diflucan as it is a one-two pill treatment with no messy creams or suppositories to insert. Remember that you should not self-treat a yeast infection unless you have been previously diagnosed for a yeast infection by a healthcare professiona
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